Monday, April 19, 2010

Walking the Dog...

Oh Wow!~ 

What a gorgeous day today!
In my opinion my day could not have started any better. 
A nice walk with my gorgeous Genevieve + listening to Jadon Lavik's "Roots Run Deep" CD= AMAZING.

God is amazing, nature and music are beautiful and I am so blessed!

♫ ♪♫
"This is my Father's World. I rest me in the thought of rocks and trees and skies and seas, his hand the wonders wrought.

This is my Father's world. Oh,and let me never forget. That though the wrong seems often so strong. God is the ruler yet!

This is my Father's world. Oh, the battle is not done.Cause Jesus who died will be satisfied and earth and heaven will be one!" ♪♫♪

I now am the proud owner of one pooped out pooch :)

CH. Jozan's Shimmering White Wave

("Gen" ;)

As promised...the PIE! :)
(And the cooks, hehe!)

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

A cause for Celebration and Apple Pies...

This morning I read a quote on Nancy Alcorn's Facebook page that said,

"Everyone desires to be where they are celebrated and not tolerated..
Take time to celebrate someone today. 
We all need to know we are loved and cared for."

While reading this I was reminded of the importance of celebrating my own life and the lives of those around me! God is so good to me and sometimes I forget to thank him for that. No matter how many trials and troubles I face in life I will never walk a single day alone and that is incredibly amazing! Each and every one of us is SO important to him and he has a plan and purpose for all of us. 

I often forget about the little things that different people do for me each day. The little things that may not seem like much, but make me laugh and smile. Sometimes it is a text message or an email and sometimes its a simple "hello" and a huge hug on the way by. I have been so blessed by so many people. I just want to take a second and acknowledge all the people that the Lord has used to bless my life and draw me closer to him. Thank you all so much for being there for me!

Along with this post I was going to share a picture of the spectacular apple pie that some lovely young ladies worked very hard on yesterday. Unfortunately, my camera battery died. So... next post you will get a look at our fabulous apple pie! :)

REMEMBER to bless those around you today by reminding them that they are celebrated and loved!

"A sister is a forever friend." -Anonymous

"Little girls bring such delight with hearts so warm and smiles so bright!"

- Author Unknown

"Let the heavens rejoice, let the earth be glad; 

       let the sea resound, and all that is in it..." 
-Psalm 96:11