Saturday, July 23, 2011

Another week has past. End week two.

Another week has come and gone. As I reflect back on this week I am so amazed at the awesomeness of my incredible Savior! Times may change, people come and go, things change, but my Lord...He's the same; yesterday, today and forever. Amen!

"Blessing and honor, glory and power, be unto the ancient of days. 
From every nation all of creation will bow before the ancient of days. 
Every tongue in heaven and earth shall declare your glory. 
Every knee will bow at your throne in worship. 
You will be exalted oh God, and your Kingdom will not pass away.
Oh ancient of days!"

There are so many feelings and emotions that are flowing through my veins right now. An indescribable feeling of awe and amazement. The feeling of serving a God powerful enough to do exactly as He please. And yet He loves a sinner like me. He cares about me, I'm one person in an enormous sea of individuals. He loves me; He really, really does. He loves me so much that he has given me incredible family members and friends. I have a huge support system, but most of all I know my days are measured out by the one who crafted the universe. He has an immaculate love for his creation, and for His children. He isn't willing that any should perish, He wants us all to except Him and come to a knowledge of the truth.

Tonight, as I drove home I was hit by a brick wall, it just flew at me. God has such an indescribable love for me. In the past year and a half, God has taken me on a journey revolving around love. His love is not measured as we measure love, its SO much more. He cares about even the smallest flower or smallest bird. How incredibly more do you think his love for us is. His love is always patient and kind, it NEVER boasts is never angry or self seeking.  Its never proud and doesn't keep records of wrongs or dishonor others, it thinks no evil. It bears all things, believes all things, hopes and endures ALL things. Love NEVER fails. How can you deny a love like that? This love is so much more than any human can ever comprehend. This loves comes only from a loving and just God. His love is so great that we don't even need to seek revenge, He has done it for us. Its finished, its completed. He repays our enemies in full, its a promise. Not only has he given us a love that surpasses all human understanding of the word love, He has completely paid the price for our sins and... He alone has taken revenge on our enemies. Although, we once stood condemned, in Christ we now stand clean. Completely cleansed, we are allowed to stand before the most Holy God of the universe; if only we will take hold of His gift of salvation.

Take the gift of salvation and the garment of forgiveness and crawl-- clean, cleansed and renewed into the arms of an incredible, humble and powerful Savior.

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