My Dear Friends and Family,
Many of you are already aware of the change that has taken place in my life in the last three weeks. However, for any of you who may not have heard (or who are confused) I would like to enlighten you in regards to my life situation. ;)
Three Mondays ago I was asked to travel to Taiwan and stay there for the next 6 months. While there I will be helping children learn English at an English/ Character school. Many people have asked, "What about school?" or "I know you talked to me about your plans for the spring, how did things change so fast?" The choice was simple. It was one of the easiest decisions I have ever made; I have the time, no heavy ties or commitments at this time, and I have the training (TESOL). As far as schooling, I am in an online program so it could have easily come with me; however, I have decided to postpone it until I return. This way I will have the time and energy to adventure and serve the Lord in whatever ways He needs me too! :) It was simply one of those times when "you just know".
I talked with my parents, prayed about it and slept on it for the night and the next day I called the organization back to inform them that I was definitely willing to go. After several different conversations that day, I realized that I had the blessing of not only my Church leaders; but also my family, church family and my friends and coworkers. I am so blessed by the people the Lord has placed in my life and I couldn't have asked for a better support system.
I have been in contact with the organization just about daily in anticipation and preparation for this adventure to continue. I do not know the exact date of departure, but when I find out I will definitely let you know. I hope to keep my blog updated throughout the trip, in order to keep all of you current with my adventures. :)
I thank you all for your prayers in advance! The Lord is SO good and I have seen His hand at work in my life many times in the last 3 weeks.
In Christ,
(Photo Courtesy of one of my friends, while she was over there.) |
"Faith never knows where it is being led, but it loves and knows the One who is leading it."
~Oswald Chambers