I was thinking that I haven't posted anything, in quite awhile. So, it's time to start again. Amidst the rapid pace of life I have found a second to write something. :) I continue to thoroughly enjoy the name that I gave my blog...so very long ago. I just thought that I would mention that as I continue to be absolutely amazed at all that the Lord is teaching me. Even though I never have a dull moment in my life and I often have to make a distinct effort to be still before Him. It amazes me that when I ask Him for a minute of His time He's always ready. I love it! My God is absolutely amazing.
This afternoon, I also learned a valuable lesson on giving the Lord my time as well. You see I am often worried these days about two things, making enough money and having enough time to accomplish what I need to get done. Tonight, my wonderful Savior taught me that it is not the things that I accomplish for "myself" that make a difference, but the things that I accomplish for Him. You see when "my ways" are focused on "His ways" He will make everything come together just the way He wants it too. His ways are perfect and tonight I realized that there are plenty of times when I need to move over and give Jesus Christ the pleasure of directing my paths (Prov. 3:5-6).
I had the opportunity this evening to watch a movie entitled "Come What May". This is a movie that was put together by "a few handfuls" of Patrick Henry College students. The theme of this movie was phenomenal! It was entirely about the value of life. Life is such an amazing thing. The fact that God values us and longs for us to be in a relationship with Him even when we deeply hurt Him. We are so far from Him and yet He desires with a deep and sincere passion to draw us into Himself. The patience, mercy, and grace of my Heavenly Father astounds me and brings me to tears. How could the creator of the entire universe find that much value in me?
Doesn't it feel good to be valued and accepted? What about to know that the One who created you knows everything about you and loves you anyway? He sent His Son to die so that you don't have to. All you have to do is accept His incredible gift of salvation. He loves you and He cares about you. He thinks that you are special and He places value on your life, and on the lives of every other person.
I think that this is all pretty amazing. Praise be to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!
More than ever I continue to stand amazed at the works of my Heavenly Father.