Tonight we celebrated Chinese New Year, Graduated from TESOL training, and.... presented the musical "The Inheritance" to our guests! It was a fun, sad, joyful, exciting, nerve racking evening!! I am so happy that it all went well, but so sad to have to say goodbye to all the wonderful friends that I have made along the way. The Lord has truly blessed me with the most wonderful friends. I cannot wait to see them all again.
Over the last two week I have been quite busy completing my assignments and preparing for the musical. Since I have not written I thought that tonight would be a good time to reminisce over the incredible time that I have had in Oklahoma and the wonderful experience and training I have received here as well. The last few weeks I have learned many important skills for training people both young and old in the English language. We learned how to incorporate fun and excitement into our lessons while also teaching the serious aspects of the English language such as grammar... blah. ;) During class one day, we even played "Musical Chairs" and "The Cat in the Hat" style fruit basket upset, haha! Those were amazing! We were taught how to make proper lesson plans and how to set up the classroom in the best manners. Most of all... we were able to spend our time with the VOICE students!
VOICE stands for Visualizing Opportunities in Character & English. The students in this program are mainly from Taiwan (there were also two this year from Hong Kong). They had sessions on character and English while we had our English teaching classes and then in the afternoon and evening we would all get together and have an amazing time practicing for the musical and often going out in the evenings. During, our time in Oklahoma we were able to visit the Bombing Memorial. We also went shopping (twice), had a scavenger hunt, park nights, went ice skating and celebrated American holidays with them (Memorial day, Christmas, and Thanksgiving)!
I am so grateful that the Lord allowed me the opportunity to come to TESOL and I pray that He uses me to reach out to those around me. Thank you to everyone who made this opportunity possible!
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Monday, July 19, 2010
TESOL Classes Week ONE
Ok, ok so really quickly....
I have been having an amazing time while I have been here and I have been learning so much. Currently, I am working on an assignment, but I thought that I would pause and write a quick hello to all of you who have been praying for me through all of this. It has not been too stressful yet, however, getting used to classes and wrapping my mind around proper English has been interesting. It's one thing to speak a language and it is something else to try and explain it.
I wanted to give you a link where you can find different videos, stories, and short journals written by various people about the different things we have been doing. We are definitely having a ton of fun! :)
Go to:
Hopefully, I'll have a few picture later on, but we will see.
I have been having an amazing time while I have been here and I have been learning so much. Currently, I am working on an assignment, but I thought that I would pause and write a quick hello to all of you who have been praying for me through all of this. It has not been too stressful yet, however, getting used to classes and wrapping my mind around proper English has been interesting. It's one thing to speak a language and it is something else to try and explain it.
I wanted to give you a link where you can find different videos, stories, and short journals written by various people about the different things we have been doing. We are definitely having a ton of fun! :)
Go to:
Hopefully, I'll have a few picture later on, but we will see.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
It's about time for a blog post...
I was thinking that I haven't posted anything, in quite awhile. So, it's time to start again. Amidst the rapid pace of life I have found a second to write something. :) I continue to thoroughly enjoy the name that I gave my very long ago. I just thought that I would mention that as I continue to be absolutely amazed at all that the Lord is teaching me. Even though I never have a dull moment in my life and I often have to make a distinct effort to be still before Him. It amazes me that when I ask Him for a minute of His time He's always ready. I love it! My God is absolutely amazing.
This afternoon, I also learned a valuable lesson on giving the Lord my time as well. You see I am often worried these days about two things, making enough money and having enough time to accomplish what I need to get done. Tonight, my wonderful Savior taught me that it is not the things that I accomplish for "myself" that make a difference, but the things that I accomplish for Him. You see when "my ways" are focused on "His ways" He will make everything come together just the way He wants it too. His ways are perfect and tonight I realized that there are plenty of times when I need to move over and give Jesus Christ the pleasure of directing my paths (Prov. 3:5-6).
I had the opportunity this evening to watch a movie entitled "Come What May". This is a movie that was put together by "a few handfuls" of Patrick Henry College students. The theme of this movie was phenomenal! It was entirely about the value of life. Life is such an amazing thing. The fact that God values us and longs for us to be in a relationship with Him even when we deeply hurt Him. We are so far from Him and yet He desires with a deep and sincere passion to draw us into Himself. The patience, mercy, and grace of my Heavenly Father astounds me and brings me to tears. How could the creator of the entire universe find that much value in me?
Doesn't it feel good to be valued and accepted? What about to know that the One who created you knows everything about you and loves you anyway? He sent His Son to die so that you don't have to. All you have to do is accept His incredible gift of salvation. He loves you and He cares about you. He thinks that you are special and He places value on your life, and on the lives of every other person.
I think that this is all pretty amazing. Praise be to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!
More than ever I continue to stand amazed at the works of my Heavenly Father.
This afternoon, I also learned a valuable lesson on giving the Lord my time as well. You see I am often worried these days about two things, making enough money and having enough time to accomplish what I need to get done. Tonight, my wonderful Savior taught me that it is not the things that I accomplish for "myself" that make a difference, but the things that I accomplish for Him. You see when "my ways" are focused on "His ways" He will make everything come together just the way He wants it too. His ways are perfect and tonight I realized that there are plenty of times when I need to move over and give Jesus Christ the pleasure of directing my paths (Prov. 3:5-6).
I had the opportunity this evening to watch a movie entitled "Come What May". This is a movie that was put together by "a few handfuls" of Patrick Henry College students. The theme of this movie was phenomenal! It was entirely about the value of life. Life is such an amazing thing. The fact that God values us and longs for us to be in a relationship with Him even when we deeply hurt Him. We are so far from Him and yet He desires with a deep and sincere passion to draw us into Himself. The patience, mercy, and grace of my Heavenly Father astounds me and brings me to tears. How could the creator of the entire universe find that much value in me?
Doesn't it feel good to be valued and accepted? What about to know that the One who created you knows everything about you and loves you anyway? He sent His Son to die so that you don't have to. All you have to do is accept His incredible gift of salvation. He loves you and He cares about you. He thinks that you are special and He places value on your life, and on the lives of every other person.
I think that this is all pretty amazing. Praise be to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!
More than ever I continue to stand amazed at the works of my Heavenly Father.
Monday, April 19, 2010
Walking the Dog...
Oh Wow!~
What a gorgeous day today!
In my opinion my day could not have started any better.
A nice walk with my gorgeous Genevieve + listening to Jadon Lavik's "Roots Run Deep" CD= AMAZING.
God is amazing, nature and music are beautiful and I am so blessed!
♫ ♪♫
"This is my Father's World. I rest me in the thought of rocks and trees and skies and seas, his hand the wonders wrought.
This is my Father's world. Oh,and let me never forget. That though the wrong seems often so strong. God is the ruler yet!
This is my Father's world. Oh, the battle is not done.Cause Jesus who died will be satisfied and earth and heaven will be one!" ♪♫♪
I now am the proud owner of one pooped out pooch :)
As promised...the PIE! :)
(And the cooks, hehe!)
What a gorgeous day today!
In my opinion my day could not have started any better.
A nice walk with my gorgeous Genevieve + listening to Jadon Lavik's "Roots Run Deep" CD= AMAZING.
God is amazing, nature and music are beautiful and I am so blessed!
♫ ♪♫
"This is my Father's World. I rest me in the thought of rocks and trees and skies and seas, his hand the wonders wrought.
This is my Father's world. Oh,and let me never forget. That though the wrong seems often so strong. God is the ruler yet!
This is my Father's world. Oh, the battle is not done.Cause Jesus who died will be satisfied and earth and heaven will be one!" ♪♫♪
I now am the proud owner of one pooped out pooch :)
CH. Jozan's Shimmering White Wave ("Gen" ;) |
(And the cooks, hehe!)
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
A cause for Celebration and Apple Pies...
This morning I read a quote on Nancy Alcorn's Facebook page that said,
While reading this I was reminded of the importance of celebrating my own life and the lives of those around me! God is so good to me and sometimes I forget to thank him for that. No matter how many trials and troubles I face in life I will never walk a single day alone and that is incredibly amazing! Each and every one of us is SO important to him and he has a plan and purpose for all of us.
I often forget about the little things that different people do for me each day. The little things that may not seem like much, but make me laugh and smile. Sometimes it is a text message or an email and sometimes its a simple "hello" and a huge hug on the way by. I have been so blessed by so many people. I just want to take a second and acknowledge all the people that the Lord has used to bless my life and draw me closer to him. Thank you all so much for being there for me!
Along with this post I was going to share a picture of the spectacular apple pie that some lovely young ladies worked very hard on yesterday. Unfortunately, my camera battery died. So... next post you will get a look at our fabulous apple pie! :)
REMEMBER to bless those around you today by reminding them that they are celebrated and loved!
- Author Unknown
"Everyone desires to be where they are celebrated and not tolerated..
Take time to celebrate someone today.
We all need to know we are loved and cared for."
While reading this I was reminded of the importance of celebrating my own life and the lives of those around me! God is so good to me and sometimes I forget to thank him for that. No matter how many trials and troubles I face in life I will never walk a single day alone and that is incredibly amazing! Each and every one of us is SO important to him and he has a plan and purpose for all of us.
I often forget about the little things that different people do for me each day. The little things that may not seem like much, but make me laugh and smile. Sometimes it is a text message or an email and sometimes its a simple "hello" and a huge hug on the way by. I have been so blessed by so many people. I just want to take a second and acknowledge all the people that the Lord has used to bless my life and draw me closer to him. Thank you all so much for being there for me!
Along with this post I was going to share a picture of the spectacular apple pie that some lovely young ladies worked very hard on yesterday. Unfortunately, my camera battery died. So... next post you will get a look at our fabulous apple pie! :)
REMEMBER to bless those around you today by reminding them that they are celebrated and loved!
"A sister is a forever friend." -Anonymous
"Little girls bring such delight with hearts so warm and smiles so bright!"
- Author Unknown
"Let the heavens rejoice, let the earth be glad;
let the sea resound, and all that is in it..."
-Psalm 96:11
Saturday, March 6, 2010
"Come Home"
Come Home
It hurts me to see you this way,
I can't sleep I'm lying awake
wondering what you're battling tonight.
You've bought in to all of the lies
and you've buried your fears inside.
Haunted by a past you can't erase.
What will it take?
There's no mistaking, only one place you belong.
Please come home, Please come home.
The doors open wide,
You don't have fix your life for me.
I die a little every time that you leave.
So come home.
Your voice strains inside my ears.
I'm fighting to hold back the tears.
How can I make you see while theres still time.
What will it take?
There's no mistaking, only one place you belong.
Please come home, Please come home.
The doors open wide.
You don't have fix your life for me.
I die a little everytime that you leave.
So come home.
You're not a disappointment to me.
You're just like the rest of us, struggling through the journey.
I don't care what secrets you may keep.
I could never love you less than all the love inside of me!
Please come home, please come home...
Please come home, Please come home!
The doors open wide.
You don't have fix your life for me.
I die a little everytime that you leave.
So come home.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
The Christian's Vision: Where do the under and malnourished fit?
I had a very interesting assignment this week for Psychology. In recent years the World Health Organization has estimated that more than half of the deaths that occur in children younger than 5 are caused by undernutrition (Bryce, et al., 2005 as cited in Papalia & Olds, 2008). The question I was asked is what is our job as Christians when it comes to poverty and world hunger. This what the Lord placed on my heart to share with my classmates-----
"It is important that we as Christians see the need and meet it. As I was looking through the Bible to find what it says regarding the topic of poverty, malnutrition and helping others I came across two very interesting and relevant verses. The first is Acts 20: 32 & 35,
“Now I commit you to God and to the word of his grace, which can build you up and give you an inheritance among all those who are sanctified… In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said: 'It is more blessed to give than to receive.”
This verse really made me think. When it comes to world poverty and malnutrition this is our job. As a Church and a community of believers in Christ we are to be helping the weak, the orphan, the homeless and malnourished. The result of what happens when our job is neglected or the expectations of us are not met is dramatic. This is what the prophet Ezekiel said in Ezekiel 16: 49-50, "Now this was the sin of your sister Sodom: She and her daughters were arrogant, overfed and unconcerned; they did not help the poor and needy… Therefore I did away with them as you have seen.” He did away with them?? Wow! I think that it is important for the people of God to stand up and make a difference.
There are many organization, and missionaries that are already trying to make a change giving their lives to the cause of helping the needy and the oppressed, what else can we do to help. In America we have some of the richest people in the world! We have the means to supply these people with what they need, and so we should give out of our hearts what we feel called to give. This is a huge issue that is so important and as Christians we really need to get our heart and minds on board. There are so many ways that we can help by giving money, emotional support, and by providing proper medical care. The issue of malnutrition/ undernutrition affects not only the child from the 3rd world country, but children here in America as well. It is important that we see the need and bless the families who are in need of help. What Jesus said is so true; it really is “more blessed to give than to receive.” Service to Christ however he has called you is the vision for life, it’s what he did on earth and it is what our lives should be devoted to. God bless you all as you seek the Lord and find ways to help those in need."
Monday, February 15, 2010
What type of friend are you?
"Friends are friends forever, if the Lord's the Lord of them.
A friends will not say never cause the welcome will not end...a lifetimes not to long, to live as friends."
- Michael W. Smith
What does it take to be a true friend? What does that mean? Do you believe that different people have been placed in your life for different purposes? I think that this is true. Some people may be acquaintances, some may be casual friends, and others will be good friends and possibly and hopefully you will also have some lifelong friends. I know I have friends like this. As I have tossed this topic back and forth I have come to the conclusion that there is a difference between acquaintances and lifelong friends. For the most part that seems like it should be obvious. However, I find that I often go about life wishing I had better, or perhaps just closer friendships, but not taking the next step. Everyone wants friends, but we aren't always willing to invest the time and the in-depth conversations necessary to make a true friendship blossom and stay.
A friend is someone who would know the consequences, but willingly confront you in humility none the less.
He is someone who would go the extra mile for you,
someone who believes in you even when everyone else has turned the other way.
A life long friend is someone who you can confide in and who confides in you.
Friends rely on love and love never fails.
I once heard it said that your friendships will reflect the type of friend you are. Are you being a friend that lends to solid, lifelong relationships? Are you open and caring? Are you honest and humble?
What type of friend are you?
"Love is patient, love is kind and is not jealous; love does not brag and is not arrogant, does not act unbecomingly; it does not seek its own, is not provoked, does not take into account a wrong suffered, does not rejoice in unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never fails..."
1 Corinthians 13:5-8
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
A warm cup of Humility...
As I write this I am alone in my room sipping a cup of hot coffee viewing the daily verse... and it is James 4:10, "Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up." How amazing is that?! Humble yourself in front of God, be humble. He's not going to crush you under His foot, He'll lift you up! The Message puts it this way, "Get down on your knees before the Master; it's the only way you'll get on your feet." Get down on your knees humble yourself in his presence and He will exalt you. Amazing! I'm game for graveling at the feet of the creator of the universe! How about you?
Humility is described by Merriam-Webster as, 1 : not proud or haughty : not arrogant or assertive
2 : reflecting, expressing, or offered in a spirit of deference or submission.
Submit yourself to God. Wholly and devoted a living sacrifice. When we submit to God the devil flees, and only then can we truly serve the Lord.
Challenge: Submit yourself to God today, see if there is an area you are holding back and take that area of your life and lay it on the altar. Give it to God, and watch the enemy flee! :) GO...SERVE.
Humility is described by Merriam-Webster as, 1 : not proud or haughty : not arrogant or assertive
2 : reflecting, expressing, or offered in a spirit of deference or submission.
Submit yourself to God. Wholly and devoted a living sacrifice. When we submit to God the devil flees, and only then can we truly serve the Lord.
Challenge: Submit yourself to God today, see if there is an area you are holding back and take that area of your life and lay it on the altar. Give it to God, and watch the enemy flee! :) GO...SERVE.
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
The White Door
This morning after finishing my Bible study at the local coffee shop I past through a large white door, into the "Land of Narnia". Or perhaps not. ;)
The door to outside was covered in rather solid layers of frost and snow. As I am writing this the temperature is still currently -18 F. As I past through this frost ridden door however, I realized that God needs me to walk out that door and serve Him. As I pen this, my thoughts are being molded more and more. The Lord who has called me is faithful and He will finish the work He began in me. He has called me to be His servant and His ambassador. It doesn't matter if its warm or cold, rain or snowy. If I know what I am suppose to be doing that's possibly a plus. If not God knows what's in store and all I need to do is trust. He will make everything beautiful in His time. If I don't know what is on the other side of that door, fine. I don't need to. God is going to work His work in me all I need to do is obey by faith and walk through that door...
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